Somatic Sex Coaching

Inhabit all of yourself

Unlock the Power of Pleasure with Somatic Sex Coaching!

I believe that Somatic Sex Coaching is a profound journey that transcends the physical and taps into the very essence of your being. It's not just about sex or tricks in the bedroom; it's about cultivating a deep connection with yourself, your body, and opening the door to the immense joy and pleasure when you occupy all of yourself.

Somatic Sex Coaching, at its core, is a trauma-informed, body-based approach designed to guide you on a transformative path towards inhabiting a full integrated you.

Throughout this journey, you'll gain invaluable insights into how your body operates, fostering a profound shift in your relationship with it. Discover the art of finding safety within, liberate yourself from shame, and align with your authentic desires and needs.

Somatic Sex Coaching at Cuan is your gateway to a more pleasurable, fulfilling life. Embark on a co-created educational journey where we navigate the seas of self-discovery together, revealing the secrets to a joyous and juicy existence.

Common Sex Coaching Topics

At Cuan, somatic sex coaching sessions are tailored to meet you where you are on your personal journey. Here are some of the common themes that clients often seek support for:

  • Releasing sexual shame

    Discover the freedom that comes with shedding layers of shame, fostering a more positive and authentic relationship with your sexuality & sensuality.

  • Feeling safe in the body

    Explore somatic practices to cultivate a sense of safety and trust within your body, paving the way for a deeper connection with your whole self.

  • Embodying boundaries & consent Learn to embody and communicate your boundaries with confidence, establishing a foundation of consent that respects your authentic self.

  • Communicating desires & needs Develop the skills to articulate your desires and needs authentically, fostering open and honest communication in intimate relationships.

  • Reconnecting to exiled parts
    (body / feelings / thoughts) Journey towards wholeness by reconnecting with parts of yourself that may have been neglected, forgotten, or deemed unworthy.

  • Scar tissue remediation

    Explore methods to address and heal emotional and physical scars, allowing for a more complete and integrated sense of self.

  • Increasing pleasure capacity Unlock the full spectrum of pleasure as you expand your capacity for joy and enjoyment in all aspects of life.

  • Navigating sexual challenges

    Receive support in navigating challenges or difficulties in your sexual experiences, fostering resilience and empowerment.

  • Creating a juicy joyful life

    Delve into the art of creating a life filled with joy, pleasure, and fulfilment, as you embrace the fullness of your authentic self.

Experience Transformative Outcomes with Somatic Sex Coaching:

Embarking on a journey of somatic sex coaching at Cuan promises an abundance of transformative outcomes. As we collaborate on this empowering journey, you can anticipate:

  • Shift your relationship with your body
    Navigate a profound shift in how you perceive and relate to your body, paving the way for healing, freedom, and authenticity.

  • Update the mental maps of your body
    Rediscover your body's intricate landscapes, updating mental maps to foster a sense of freedom, increased sensation and fabulousness in your own skin.

  • Support healing
    Allowing radical acceptance of all parts of ourselves, feeling our emotions fully, essentially permits integration, which is an act of love and kindness. When we radically accept all parts of ourselves, transformation can occur, paving the way for a deeper connection, joyful and pleasurable life.

  • Increased pleasure
    Unlock new dimensions of pleasure by exploring and enhancing your capacity for joy. Discover the richness that comes with embracing and celebrating your authentic desires. When we develop the capacity to experience deep safety, trust and intimacy with ourselves and our own body then this becomes possible with others, too.

Your experience at Cuan is designed to be a catalyst for positive change, allowing you to embrace a life filled with healthy connections, pleasure, joy and genuine authenticity.

Curious about what lies ahead in your sex coaching journey at Cuan?

Experience the Power of Co-Creation

Somatic sex coaching is a holistic and empowering experience, focused on embodying a felt sense of safety and trust within yourself, anchored into your own deep inner knowing. Coaching is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it's a collaborative and co-creative process centered around you and your intentions. This co-creative journey is about unlocking your potential, fostering growth, and bringing your intentions to life. Ultimately, it is a dynamic and personalised exploration, creating a pathway to the transformation you seek.

You can expect your coaching experience at Cuan to be


Our sessions are co-created and client-led. A main pillar is on embodying consent. Recognizing that our sexuality often bears the brunt of shame and disconnect, I believe fostering agency and sovereignty in our sexual lives is essential for reclaiming connection, trust, a felt-sense of safety, joy and personal power within ourselves and our bodies.


Embrace the wisdom of your body with my grounded approach rooted in somatic and body-based practices. Together, we'll explore how to connect with and interpret the signals and sensations your body communicates, empowering you to authentically and joyfully live in alignment with your wants and desires, free from a transactional relationship.

Practical and Empowering

No abstract theories or unreachable ideals – expect practical guidance tailored to your unique self. Coaching at Cuan empowers you with tangible somatic practices to navigate real-life situations.

Ready to embark on this co-creative journey?

Book your discovery call and let's begin the empowering process of aligning your intentions with your reality.

Free Discovery Call

Unlock Your Potential with a Free Discovery Call with me!

Curious about the transformative possibilities of coaching?

Let's embark on a conversation to explore what lies beneath the surface and what holds the key to unlocking your highest integrated self.